Thursday 5 September 2024



Some of you will remember, I have a copy of this picture hung on my lounge wall.
Looking at it the other night I realised how natural it was to see Maja naked. That is how we all should be.

Friday 26 July 2024

Sunday 17 March 2024


 I was looking at pictures for this posting and I started to wounder what is it about our skin that embarrasses us. What is it that causes humans to get all wound up about nudity. We've all got skin and can all go nude, there is no difference apart from gender. We are the only animal that is ashamed of its skin. There is more and more skin appearing in films etc. Even the cute, nation's baby Emma Watson is modelling see through underwear, admittedly there is very little of her clothes that are see through, but that is because her clothes are very little and show as much skin as possible.

Most of our problems come from religion, even atheists are controlled by attitudes introduced by religion.

My brother used to give his neighbour a lift to work while his car was being repaired. He called in one morning and the neighbour wasn't quite ready, but they had time so Mick had a coffee with him. while they were talking the neighbour's wife came into the kitchen topless said "Morning Mick" and proceeded to pull her underclothes out of the tumble drier. They weren't naturists, but she was completely natural about being topless and it made no difference between them in the future. A few summers ago I was working in my garage re building my canoe, the garage always gets hot in the summer so I was working naked. after a few hours a friend from the other side of town walked in. I wasn't expecting him and he isn't a naturist, but he wasn't disturbed by it, and we talked for a while then went to the house for coffee. I remained naked and his attitude towards us hasn't changed. 

What I'm saying is don't be afraid to let you friends see you and your partner naked, if they are real friends it wont worry them. 

It's interesting that many of the clothing shops have cameras in their changing rooms were staff can watch customers changing to make sure they don't put stolen clothes under their own. So many people have been seen naked without being aware of it. Some swimming pools have cameras in the changing rooms and of course the airport security is quite revealing. 

I had an interesting happening a few months ago, I went to have new hearing aids fitted, they are quite expensive but can be controlled through an app on my mobile phone. The lady setting them up asked for my mobile to set it up, it was then that I realised she was going to see my wallpaper which is a full frontal of Maja in the shower.  Oops! I could have changed it before going there so as not to embarrass her, but too late when I realised. So I explained what the wallpaper was and asked if that would be OK she smiled and answered that it was alright, so I handed it over and she wasn't in the least concerned. She even commented how attractive Maja was. I was more concerned because she was of Asian descent and Asian people are often more timid about their bodies.

As you have seen I post naked pictures of Maja and myself and some friends, it has made no difference to us or our friends naturist and non naturist. If a neighbour or friend or occasionally a stranger pops in  while we are naked, we don't rush to cover up. What about you, have you had any nude incidents or do you have any photos that could be posted here or on your own website or blog,  let us know, we'll be happy to show or publicise it for you. 

Contact us through Comments and I'll give you my email to post to then I can transfer tem to these pages.

Thursday 29 February 2024

At the Golf Club

 There are a lot of places where you can be nude in the open air and they dont have to be Naturist approved. These photos where taken behind a local golf club in Leicestershire and we only came close to being discovered once when a car full of teenagers drove by on the track below.

Snowdon wanted to go adventuring in the woods, he usually liked having his picture taken.

No fruit in them trees

time to get a tan.

I'm sure that was a squirrel

Wednesday 21 February 2024


The angle you take your pictures from and the pose of the model can have an effect on how the picture is perceived. These pictures are looking towards the models vagina. But while being a little risqué they are not pornographic as many pictures in similar poses are. The soft core porn variety have the model holding her lips open giving a graphic picture of her internals.  

Even pictures looking at the genital area alone dont have to be porn,

Thursday 8 February 2024

Where can nudes go

There are various naturist/sun clubs in the UK, plus a number of beaches. But you dont have to restrict yourself to the authorised areas. First it is not illegal to be naked in public as long as it is not with intent to shock. There is a man in Hastings area who cycles around naked, goes to the beach, cafes and pubs. The local police know him and once had to protect him from a holidaying policeman from out of the area who was intent on arresting him. if you follow in his footsteps that ius your choice. But for those like me who aren't quite ready to walk naked along the main street, I'm suggesting finding places to go nude that dont risk upsetting others.

This was taken on a textile farm campsite, we were there midweek and out of the main holiday season. there was nobody else there so no chance of upsetting anyone. There was a nice stream behind us that we could splash around in aor take the canoe down to a lake.

The banks of the Ashby Canal the canoe was propped up to deflect the wind. there were anglers about but nowhere near us.

We were at the back of a golf club, near Woodhouse Eaves for this one, we had an adventure here which I wrote about previously.

Nude hiking at Grace Dieu Woods shortly after this we heard voices and were able to pull on our shorts and Tee shirts before we met them.

Sunday 21 January 2024

What to do when the weather is cold

 When the weather is so cold that you dont feel like going out, even clothed. You can invite your friends round for some indoor social nudity. Or/and a bit of indoor photography can be the order of the day.

Mirrors can be useful, not only for selfies, but to get you in the picture with your model.

Pictures that can be shown to non naturists are easy on a bed. The one above has people squinting closely at it to try and see Maja's breasts, but no luck.

The picture below will reward those who look closely enough.

Curtains make good backdrop and come cheap enough from charity shops.
The cheeky look to camera warms the heart.

And of course the classic bedroom poses always go down well.

Sunday 7 January 2024

Sun, Sand and the Great Outdoors

 Looking a bit dismal outside, so I thought something to brighten up the days till spring.

Maja with my late Brother Mick

Maja and me on a textile site that used to be in Wales

Maja and Snowdon at Holkham beach

Tuesday 26 December 2023

Something happens

 I never thought about it before, but whenever I look at Maja's pictures, I catch my breath. I wonder if she has the same effect on you guys. 

Do you feel that way about pictures of your own partners, why not contact me and get them posted on here.

Saturday 23 December 2023

Looking back

 I have been looking back through the posts from years gone by and they are all very complimentary particularly about Maja. I wish we still looked as we did in the early photos.


But the years go by and we all get older. Photos are a blessing and a curse. They trigger the memories and show the beauty of the subjects. But they can also make you melancholy about what was and no longer is.

 I would like to do more, in particular some naturist and some, more intimate. But we dont look as we did.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Life in the old dogs yet

 In this horrible mix of weather, we are dreaming of the spring and the new season. 

It's ok being nude at home, 

but there is nothing like a gentle breeze on your skin.

We're getting older now, so hope for some great summers in the next few years.

Tuesday 14 November 2023

early days

 In the beginning

When I first started to take nudes, getting them developed could be quite difficult. So I did quite a few in monochrome and developed them myself.

Some of them ended up with the feet cut off, but things improved in time.