Monday 20 June 2022

World Naked Hiking Day 21 June 2022

 The twenty first  of June is world Naked Hiking day. dont worry if you never heard of it before, neither have I, but I'm all for something new. So here are a few pics to celebrate it.


Gerald said...

I have just gone through your complete blog clear to the beginning. It is the story of an interesting journey. Of course I was quite drawn to the pictures of the pretty young lady, but you documented her progression to the beautiful old lady that she is now. And of course pictures of you through the years too. I didn’t read everything word for word but did read a lot of your writing, and found it quite interesting. I just fairly recently became a follower, and look forward to more about your trip through life. I am 76 and have never experienced anything like your life experiences, but I firmly believe that society should totally accept open nudity. I believe that it would provide a cure for many of the ills of society nowadays. Thank you.

John Tompkins said...

Thanks Gerald Maja was pleased with your comments. I'm sure the world would be a better place without clothes. Think of all the emissions we would stop by not manufacturing and transporting clothes.