Thursday 7 May 2020


What does clothing cost the environment?

Consider fashion, it's so bad it has to change every few months.

Most clothing is made in third world countries in sweat shops with no pollution controls and child labour. The clothes are not made of natural fibres, most are synthetic. They ship clothes round the world, again attacking the environment with emissions.
Most worn out, old clothes end up on the landfill sites of the world.

Without clothes we would save all this, the environment would benefit and so would our health and allergies. We wouldn't be generating so much waste water or using as much power for our washing machines.

Of course in Britain we cant go entirely without clothes, we would need coverings for inclement weather, but we don't need anything underneath. So when we get out of the cold, off with the coat and we are nude again.

Of course there are many benefits and one would be no flashers!!  no good flashing a nude.
Disadvantages - no pockets.

Do you think this too radical - I don't but it probably is for the majority of the population for now ... but who knows what will happen in the future.

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