Tuesday, 23 August 2022

all change

 Since I last wrote things have been happening.

My health has not improved, my legs refuse to heal and we are both getting older.

My brother passed away, his doctor had beed treating him for months, for what the doctor said was "Long Covid" Mick ha a particularly bad night and was seen by the locum who took one look at him and said, "that's not long covid I want you in hospital right away.

It turned out to be Liver Cancer and too late to treat, so he passed away the night before Maja and I were planning to see him.


Michael we'll miss you.

On the way home from his wake, My chest started to hurt and by 4 am it was so bad I asked Maja to ring for an ambulance. The Paramedics after an ecg said they thought it was a heart attack and took me in. A blood test confirmed it and I was transferred to the Cardiac Care Unit. 

I was wired up to a big monitor and put to bed. CCU was a quiet well run ward with great staff, the best I have been on. Next afternoon and they wheeled me down to theatre where the surgeon gave me an angiogram and inserted a stent tube through my wrist to my heart. It was only a couple of minutes and he said "Ahh there it is!"

He put the stent in and released some balloons to broaden th vein and release the clot. I was in the theatre for about 20 mins and most of that was setting up the equipment and getting me in the right place.

Back on the ward, they monitored me for a couple of days and satisfied, said I could go home.

Maja came to fetch me, but on the way to the car she was paying attention to me and tripped over the kerb in the car park, landing heavily on her him. we managed to get home but a couple of days later she was in so much pain,  had to go into hospital for a few days. That was difficult because I could barely walk and had to take care of myself. When they let her come home theWelfare people came and provided her with various trolleys for getting about. Maja is moving a lot better today and we hope she will continue to improve